I am grateful to Mary for hosting my writing this week. She can be a divisive figure among politicos of my milieu (millennials in the British left) because she is too close for comfort with right-wingers. But for me, I don't have the luxury, or inclination, to only interact with people who have identical values as me. My mother is the self-declared Greek equivalent of a Trump voter. I don't worry about lying down with dogs, I was born to a bitch.
Mary is one of the most interesting intelectuals in the UK of the past decade. For a while I thought she echoed my mother too much but when I enaged honestly I realised most of her out-there arguments are caveated and contextualised sensibly. She is a unique thinker and worthy of closer reading than snippets of her on some 'x' video allows. -

You can’t simplify an idea without, well, simplifying it. In the process things get lost. By now I’m used to people arguing against sketch versions of “reactionary feminism” and no longer feel the urge to sprint after them yelling “Hey but that’s …
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