Oh baby reindeer
I feel like a stalker around you
I could be 15 in my dad’s Subaru
Wondering if my UCAS was an excuse
to move to the country that birthed you
Baby reindeer I could be a lady guard
You, a shoplifter in my Sephora
My sense of duty zero to my sense of shame
I’d let you olaplex that baby reindeer hair for free
Baby reindeer I couldn’t admit
I bought that toy gun
Because you are just a boy and I no better than a nonce
Baby reindeer thank you
Writing without a broken heart
Is like playing squash without a wall
Baby reindeer my kink is erotic asphixiation
No touching
Just an airless room with you in it
Baby reindeer
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever masturbated to
You will never ever guess mine.
I love how visceral your writing is.
I started watching Baby Reindeer last night before I went to sleep. Wasn't the best idea as it has given me night and day mares and I'm only up to Ep3! Perhaps I'll fully understand your poem if I complete all Eps.
I'd love to know more about your Dad's Subaru. I've got visions of you hammering around the mountain roads of Greece in a sonic blue Impreza P1
Just an admirer of your work here. Is Olaplex something that’s passed me by? Even my dictionary doesn’t know what to make of it….