Damn I am hooked on this. As a voracious consumer of deradicalising content on YouTube this has got me good. You also write with a real driving clarity, great stuff.

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Thanks Tom, I am planning many more parts, as I am still talking to the young nazi everyday. Any good deradicalising videos you'd recommend I watch, or make him watch ?

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oh sure! creators like Shaun and Contrapoints were my exposure to this kind of content, i'll put a couple of their video titles here for you:


- Kelly J and the Neo Nazis

- Andrew Tate: How to be a real man

- what is white supremacy, a response to stephen crowder

- Immigration and the fall of rome

- Sargon of Akkad can't read

- outrage news


- Men

- Cancelling

- Incels

- Jordan Peterson

Some other creators/shows on youtube that focus on this stuff i'd recommend would be FD Signifier, The Majority Report, Some More News. I'll post again if i think of anymore. i would also ask him what he watches, if there are any specific people he follows regularly, and then to seek out youtubers who debunk that person's thinking specifically.

looking forward to more reading!

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"The moral of the story is: if you’re against witch-hunts, and you promise to found your own little utopian community where witch-hunts will never happen, your new society will end up consisting of approximately three principled civil libertarians and seven zillion witches....The equilibrium is basically what we see now. The neutral gatekeeper institutions lean very liberal, though with a minority of conservative elites who are good at keeping their heads down and too mainstream/prestigious to settle for anything less. The ghettos contain a combination of seven zillion witches and a few decent conservatives who are increasingly uncomfortable but know there’s no place for them in the mainstream."


You'll find Nazis and self-proclaimed Nazis wherever they take all kinds, and the entire selling point of crypto is that it is (decentralized), permissionless and open to anyone.

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I am increasingly obsessed with the connection between crypto and extremist politics; this is an excellent piece; thanks for sharing; I had not read that one from Scott before!

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"That would be astonishing performance art." A modern dandy, truly! I love everything about this

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haha I love that, thanks :-)

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1. You may note that, these days, the counterculture,the subversives, the pranksters, the roasters of sacred cows and the Tellers Of Forbidden Truths are found on the alt-right and, to a lesser extent, the Dirtbag Left Liberals have become scolds, so sour and humorless that they make The Church Lady look like Johnny Rotten by comparison.

This is not because of any inherent love of liberty on the right or any inherent censoriousness among liberals, but is an artifact of their respective relationships with power.

2. Think of crypto as a vote of "no confidence" in the current financial system, much like gold is a put option against financial collapse.

EDIT: I find Patrick Boyle insightful in many things, but in his criticism of crypto , he does not get or does not want to get how more and more humans see the existing financial system as rigged against them, and are seething with white hot incandescent rage as a result.

If you want to know what elected Trump, that is why.

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Casually slightly horrifying.

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it does make me sad

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As crazy as they were not everything the nazis came up with was wrong.

Much of it was based in some truth, and that appeals to those who feel alienated by our current society. As distorted as it may end up being.

It's sad really because the very same group of people created not just marxism and nazism, but also the neo-marxism and neo-nazism we have now.

So he is literally playing into the hands of the groups he thinks he is fighting against. A very convoluted reverse psychology pipeline to create expendable extremists to carry out covert operations.

We don't have to look very far to find examples of neo-nazis being trained as fighting dogs for military and intelligence agencies.

Ukraine alone has hundreds.

Historically, the practice is exemplified by the paperclip days following WW2 when nazi scientists were recruited to kidnap and perform mind control experiments on unsuspecting civilians as part of MKUltra among others.

As well as becoming high ranking NATO officers and joining operation gladio to conduct terror attacks against the public, infiltrating and expanding international drug and human trafficking operations to fund their activities, and even leading military coups against several governments.

Some argue that throughout war affected europe from 1945 to 1970, at least, the gladio cabal was the real government.

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I am actually shocked at how many 'nazis' there are in the Ukrainian army

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Hell, Holmes, the career of Reinhard Gehlen is most instructive.

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How much (little) do nurses in London make? Why are salaries in the UK so low compared to the US?

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Starting salary is 29K! We suck!

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What exactly do modern nazi's believe?

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all the old conspiracies

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Pre WW2 wasn't a young German man just as likely to become a communist as a Nazi? I don't intellectually get going from an anti racist to a nazi. I do get, in a post pandemic world, reevaluating all your priors, but I hope this bright young man who reads you comes to the conclusion that the Jews are not secretly running the world and are good people, and if he wants to run the world, the success sequence is a good way to not to be poor, and then--I would want to read if you took him on in a Pygmalion way to teach him how to run the world. It's a lot of patience with spreadsheets and dull. If not, well, you have a bright young cute boy that can introduce you to an alien culture (US bluecollar) and I'm old enough to envy you your late twenties. Enjoy your fling. I don't regret most of mine.

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It feels important for us to keep talking to these folks (and quietly trying to convert them) from the Other Side. But will he become your young BF? How exciting. I need pointers along the way for how the fuck to talk to my Lost Mom.

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What is a chud? What does that mean. How is it pronounced?

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