And if I did find happiness and riches and love who would stay with you Anon Down in the trenches, in the gutter of life Van Gogh in his delirium When still starving and unknown Wrote if I am wheat later I am wheat now Doesn’t matter if others only see grass People say that you can’t have everything but some people have so so very much It would be nice if I got all the things I want And for some I pray for harder than others But then who would be here with you Anon Me I am there cooling off your feverish forehead in your rented flat in a country you weren’t born in Squeezing your hand before the audition you told no one but your cat about Patting your back when you tear open that envelope It’s from tv licence, they pay for that here I am giving you a fucking foot massage because that’s how much I fucking love you I am not going to bed, I stay on the couch with the tv on to keep me awake because I want to greet you when you return Do you like leftovers? I was still hungry, but I stopped. Like the fitfluencers say you should on TikTok I don’t care about losing weight, you are the most important part of my body, I just care that you get the last chicken wing I know you explained to me what you do for work, forgive me if I don’t remember your best friends name, I know you’ve been mentioning him since university but I can't pronounce foreign words I am witness to your shame and I am not put off by it Your breath is familiar not repulsive I run my fingers down your back and I don’t recoil when my palm moistens by the sweat in your folds You are accepted unreservedly Your mother doesn’t ask about the stain on your sheet and neither do I What’s your favourite snack? I will buy ten of them My favourite genre of book is cookery I read Nigella and fantasize about feeding you Devil’s food cake Sluts spaghetti Buttermilk chicken I walk around Waitrose and I run my fingers through the bulgur wheat I don’t eat carbs by myself but I would be so happy soaking them overnight and skipping Pilates after work to come home early to slow cook them for you Do you want me to mention it is Ottolenghi or is that too try hard I’ll say nothing, pretend the recipe is intuitive Cooking in my DNA as much as not needing sun cream on a skiing trip I want to reach through my screen and brush your cheek What’s your skin type, oily, dry, combination I’ll have the Kiel’s assistant pick the best cream You’d never pay £60 for a moisturiser But I know you better than you know yourself and I know you want to look good Not for me, lol, I’d like you even if you ate yourself to an early grave You know that too, you hate that about me Baby what did you iron that shirt before meeting me for Even obese I would fuck you I would push my face into your stomach like a Japanese baby on Instagram rests her forehead on a kitten So serene and soft I’d count your chest hair like a leader in his twilight counts votes Anxiously, hopefully till I reach the navel I’d breathe in the softener I picked to make You think I am not like other girls I am worse No one who knows what they do to male chicks should sleep alone No, I am not your girlfriend I am your mother Anon
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“I don’t care about losing weight, you are the most important part of my body.”
Beautiful, Stella 🩵.
I don’t know where else to write you. Forgive me.
I just saw you on GB news. You are courageous, brilliant, and irresistibly charming.
I am a Canadian obsessed with British politics.