And if I did find happiness and riches and love who would stay with you Anon Down in the trenches, in the gutter of life Van Gogh in his delirium When still starving and unknown Wrote if I am wheat later I am wheat now Doesn’t matter if others only see grass People say that you can’t have everything but some people have so so very much It would be nice if I got all the things I want And for some I pray for harder than others But then who would be here with you Anon Me I am there cooling off your feverish forehead in your rented flat in a country you weren’t born in Squeezing your hand before the audition you told no one but your cat about Patting your back when you tear open that envelope It’s from tv licence, they pay for that here I am giving you a fucking foot massage because that’s how much I fucking love you I am not going to bed, I stay on the couch with the tv on to keep me awake because I want to greet you when you return Do you like leftovers?
“I don’t care about losing weight, you are the most important part of my body.”
Beautiful, Stella 🩵.
Thank you Axon ☺️
I don’t know where else to write you. Forgive me.
I just saw you on GB news. You are courageous, brilliant, and irresistibly charming.
I am a Canadian obsessed with British politics.
Thank you Sandro, much appreciated 😌
Fucking epic and hilarious. Well done.
Thanks Ruka x
gorgeous gorgeous nom nom buffet of words more please efkharisto
Thank you Anna ☺️
I can't stop reading this!
Thanks John !
Just read with my sis as we're waiting for food at a restaurant. This was more exquisite than whatever meal we ordered.
Eagerly awaiting anons response where he admits he has a little too much mommy issues :P.
Aww thank you David 😊
It scans spritefully as email, flops as a pile of words in the app. I'd not have known if I hadn't "liked" it so much.
Wow! Good stuff.
Thank you Tony ☺️