Why a country with great universities and science goes nowhere. In a post.

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Tho it certainly WENT somewhere

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It is almost painful reading this, because it sounds like someone who does not know kinks exist, and tries to chase kinks in a subconscious, unconscious way. Briefly, you are a sub. And that is fine. Cuckquean and a bunch of other kinks. It is even fashionable these days. You can figure out submissive fantasies, there are plenty of books about this such as Screw The Rose, Give Me The Thorns. From that, you can figure out an outline to a scene. And here is the kicker, it is basically method acting, a guy can be mellow and loving outside the scene and acting the role of a dominant asshole inside.

Your basic problem is that you confuse kink with personality, that is, you think someone's whole personality must be dominant in order for things to be exciting, when in reality that can be just negotiated and acted for a scene.

Kink is the realization that we are not so much attracted to people as such, but to actions. Actions that can be very formally negotiated and acted out. Instead you are chasing it in a roundabout informal way, trying to find people whose personality is just so that it results in actions that happens to tickle your kinks.

Needless to say, those people will screw you over all kinds of ways.

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Umm ok... What is the point? You are a narcissist social climber who is attracted to alfas of that hierarchy? This is sorta how it works, no? But thanks for sharing

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Society (the current 'we are headed for the cliff edge at 200 mph' one) richly rewards all narcissitic behaviour-hence the overrepresentation of such guys at the 'top'. There is a great video online somewhere that says something like look at the guy with the custom suit, Porsche and gorgeous woman. It is DIFFICULT to attain those things-but we have been led to believe difficult is equivalent to satisfying and desirable.I am here from your future self to tell you it is not. Have lots and lots of fun with those guys, under no circumstance 'fall' for one because, well, you are an intelligent girl and would you fall for anyone so 1 1/2D? Actively seek character for the long run, don't confuse status with stature.

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If you want a powerful man as a committed lover, you have to get commitment before he gets powerful. Then keep him as he gets powerful.

Sadly, many powerful men get used to getting what they want, and that often means a younger woman. Especially those involved in politics, rather than business.

Perhaps it’s wiser to go out with less powerful, but more thoughtful men who are comfy with themselves.

But I’m glad my daughter is already married, tho I do worry about her.

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"Over the years, I have been listening with horror to the stories of the poor women who marry these men. The humiliation they have to suffer as these men cheat and lie their way to sacrificing the peace of mind of everyone around them for the sake of their momentary pleasure and ego boost."

--- When they cheat it just means they opened the marriage so it's all bets off for the wife who can enjoy the benefits of seeing other men while keeping her property and finances in tact. Win/Win!

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I think the last line should be ‘sting me again’?

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Anglo saxon men women relations are sad and depraved. Oh lovely Stella. Things are so going to work out for you.

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